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Two Physicians reviewing patient chart

How a New Primary Care Doctor Can Improve Patient Care Coordination for Seniors

Finding a new primary care doctor could be the beginning of enjoying a better level of health care, one that focuses on your experience as a patient. Primary care providers who operate on a value-based care model put the patient at the center of everything they do, with the end goal being better health outcomes.


One way that a new primary care doctor could improve your health care experience is by providing what’s called “care coordination.” This ensures that all of your care providers are on the same page and working together toward your overall health.

What is health care coordination?

Patient care coordination is a strategy that improves the efficiency of your health care. It makes sure that all of your different providers and specialists are aware of what’s going on with your health, what you have experienced, and what was done at previous visits and referrals.


With care coordination, you don’t have to worry that your doctor doesn’t have a complete picture of what other tests, treatments, and care you have received.

The benefits of care coordination

There are many benefits of care coordination for seniors.

Communication is improved

Coordinating care among your various providers improves communication, keeping each provider up to speed on your progress, previous treatments, and future appointments.

Care is safer and more effective

With improved communication, there is less likelihood of repeat, overlapping or redundant care protocols. Each practitioner can provide better, more informed care.

Patient becomes active participant

Coordinating care keeps the patient in the loop, too, allowing you to be a proactive agent in your own health care journey.

Meets needs and preferences of the patient

Not only can you be an active participant, but you can exert influence over your health care according to your own wishes, needs and preferences. This is patient-focused care.

Manage chronic conditions

Care coordination improves the management of chronic conditions, which can affect many systems of the body and involve more than one type of treatment and specialist. Coordinated care offers a coordinated effort.

Outcomes are better

With better management of patient health, it follows that health outcomes are better, too. More proactive and preventative steps can be taken to prevent health problems before they start.

Reduce overall cost of care

The end result is a reduction in the overall cost of care, improving efficiency for the patient, the primary care provider, the rest of the health care team and ultimately the health care industry as a whole.

Why is patient care coordination important?

Patient care coordination is vital for improving the health care experience and health outcomes for seniors on Medicare. It eliminates confusion by providing clarity for both the patient and the specialist for what happens next. Instead of showing up when they’re told and submitting to tests and procedures they’re not entirely sure about, care coordination ensures that patients are fully informed as to the reasons and desired outcomes of their care. It also helps the other practitioners involved by providing a fuller context for the primary care doctor’s care and decisions.


Care coordination also allows for preventive care, as opposed to treating illness and disease after the fact. Coordinating care helps ensure that potential problems are caught ahead of time and treated before they become serious impairments.


It’s also important to know that care coordination prevents lost information and “black holes” of data and records. Information, notes and charts transfer from appointment to appointment, providing depth and context instead of being siloed in each individual care provider’s records.


In this way, patient care coordination helps care providers optimize resources, which can allow them to serve fewer patients while spending more time and care on each patient.

How can a new primary care doctor help?

Choosing a new primary care provider can be an important step in ensuring care coordination and continuity of care. Value-based care providers such as the partner providers at NewPrimaryCare.com™ see the value of care coordination. Choosing such as provider puts you on the path to better health, better outcomes, and a better experience.


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